Helpline for Cybercrime: How Can I Report Cybercrime in India? Before dialing 1930, make sure you have this information ready!
The National Cybercrime Helpline Number 1930 is the primary resource for reporting cybercrimes in India. To make the process smooth, ensure you have details like the nature of the crime, evidence, personal details (if relevant), and the location of the incident. Cybercrime types include fraud, harassment, data breaches, hacking, and identity theft. Immediate action helps in preventing further damage. Report cybercrimes in India using the National Cybercrime Helpline 1930. Prepare by having key information like crime type, evidence, personal details, and location ready. Learn more about how to report and protect yourself from cyber threats.

Let's get started. If you suspect financial cybercrime or fraud, call the dedicated helpline at 1930 right away to report the incident. Another method of reporting any cybercrime is to go to and follow the guidelines there to file a complaint or check the status of one.
However, phoning 1930 has proven to be the most convenient and popular way to report financial cybercrimes or online financial frauds thus far.
Even if the number of cybercrimes has skyrocketed, victims of these crimes are assisted by the dedicated helpline and website as well as more proactive police investigations.
However, it is the victim's responsibility to ensure that investigations into cybercrimes are successful. Reporting the complaint is the most important step in resolving a cybercrime. Yes, exactly. Half the fight is won if you can report the crime in a systematic way.
Keep Note Of These Following Things Before Calling Helpline 1930:
1. Victim’s Name
You would think that who gets their name wrong! But believe us, victims reeling under pressure of financial fraud or crimes, have at times misspelled even their own names. So be careful. Keep calm and just mention your full name.
2. Victim’s Mobile Number
Yes, that’s required. Make sure you do not get any digits wrong or sequence misplaced. It’s a simple thing.
3. Nearest Police Station
Please try to find out which one is your nearest police station. This information is required for investigation of official communication purposes.
4. District
That’s an easy one. You know it, just mention it.
5. Name Of Bank
Here you are required to mention the name of your bank whose account came under attack of thugs.
6. Amount Debited
Mention the amount of financial loss caused to you. Try to provide exact amount of total loss. Additional information like break up of figures, if loss caused in installments, will also help.
7. Account Number/Wallet Merchant, UPI ID From Which The Amount Is Debited
Please mention your account number or mobile wallet ID or the UPI ID from which the money got deducted fraudulently.
8. Transaction IDs Of Each Fraudulent Transaction
Here you have to be careful. Usually this detail comes in the SMS.
9. Brief Of How Fraud Has Happened
This is crucial. Here you have to describe the circumstances and events of the fraud. Try to be clear, simple and brief in your description. This will help investigators and, in turn, help you.
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